Platforms: All ePMP AX platforms
Firmware versions: 5.8 and newer
The feature has been developed to cover cases when SM has been disconnected from the Primary AP and connected to the Secondary one and never gets back to Primary that affects APs load and customers’ experience.
The implementation of the 1st Stage of "Primary AP reconnect " feature is available starting with 5.8 firmware.
Feature Description
Primary AP is the AP which SSID is entered in the first row of the Preferred APs table.
It is considered as the default AP that SMs has to be trying to connect.
If SM has been disconnected from the Primary AP(in case of short-term outage of the Primary AP), it connects to the Secondary AP.
Starting 5.8 firmware the new field “Primary AP Reconnect Period” is available for the configuration. The default value is 60 minutes. It represents the time period when SM initiates the disconnect from the AP that it’s currently connected to if its SSID doesn’t match the one configured as the Primary AP in the Preferred APs Table.
If SM is connected to the Primary AP the disconnect is not initiated despite the duration of “Primary AP Reconnect Period” configured.
The 2nd Stage of the feature implementation will include background scanning on the SM to avoid SMs disconnecting from the Secondary AP when the Primary AP is not available and the option to configure exact time when SM verifies if it’s connected to Primary AP and disconnects if it’s not.