No access to ePMP1000 radio after firmware update

Olá… Fiz a atualização da firmware do rádio ePMP1000 com sincronismo. Após o processo terminar eu não consegui mais fazer login no equipamento. Até chego na interface, mas quando insiro o usuário e senha ele retorna para a mesma página e não me dá acesso ao sistema do rádio. Alguém já passou por isso?

Google Translate:

Hello… I updated the firmware of the radio ePMP1000 with synchronization. After the process finished I could no longer log into the device. I even get to the interface, but when I enter the username and password it returns to the same page and does not give me access to the radio system. Has anyone ever experienced this?

Try clearing your browser history, then try to log in again.

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This is very common and is usually just needing the browser cache cleared. You can also just use another browser to quickly get around this issue.

Yes, it is quite common. Cos GUI structure can be significantly changed between FW versions. It can be quickly checked with browser private mode

Yes aggravatingly common with ePMP…

At least the floating side menu finally went away.

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