OMNI - Dual Pol, Dual Frequency?

Hi. We have a couple sites in small sub-divisions with only a dozen or so homes, and there won't ever be more than that.  I'm thinking of putting up a Dual-Frequency OMNI, just to keep the roof clutter on our MicroPop's house to a minimum.  I could go with two separate omni's, one of each, but I don't really want to mount them so that each antenna causes a shadow for the other antenna either.

I haven't seen many such omni's available, and the ones I have found don't look too spectacular  I did try ordering this Altelix one a couple times, and my order has been cancelled by them, so I'm not sure what the situation is.

In any event - if anyone has any experience with any Dual-Pol and Dual-Freq OMNI's for a small MicroPOP, I would appreciate any feedback or opinions. :) 

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