Passive 54V POE to Mikrotik CCR

Mirkrotik CCR1009-7G-1C-1S+ powered from 57V passive POE from a TX1012-P-AC. Failover 48V power from barrel connector.

When I remove the 48V from the rear, the CCR stays running as expected.
When I reinsert the 48V it stays running.
When I remove the POE connector, it stays running & as expected, reported voltage drops to 48V
When I reinsert the POE connector, I get an “Other Fault (34)” error on the CNMatrix.

Testing above scenario with a regular 48V passive POE everything works as it should.

As the 48V PSU is always on, if there’s a power cut it delivers power to the CCR first. Therefore the CNMatrix instantly reports a fault.

Is there any way to resolve this?