PMP 450 series subscriber module template to disable or enable the ethernet link using cnMaestro

Summary: This article will guide you with the steps to enable or disable the ethernet link on the subscriber modules using a template.

Product: PMP 450 series subscriber modules.

Solution: The Ethernet link enabling/disabling option is available in the GUI under the Configuration>Radio tab as shown below:

However, if we would wish to enable or disable it using a template via GUI or cnMaestro this article will help you with it.

Here is a template to enable the Ethernet link:

  "userParameters": {
    "networkConfig": {
      "enable8023linkBox": 1
   "configFileParameters": { 
      "rebootIfRequired": true 
  "cfgFileString": "Canopy configuration file",
  "cfgFileVersion": "1.0"

As you could notice that it has a parameter “enable8023linkBox” set as 1 which signifies that the Ethernet link is enabled. To disable it we would simply need to change this parameter to 0 as shown below:

Here is a template to disable the Ethernet link:

  "userParameters": {
    "networkConfig": {
      "enable8023linkBox": 0
   "configFileParameters": { 
      "rebootIfRequired": true 
  "cfgFileString": "Canopy configuration file",
  "cfgFileVersion": "1.0"

Note: The device will reboot after applying this change.

To import this file (.cfg format) to the radio, go to Configuration>Unit Settings>Upload and Apply Configuration File.
Then click on the Choose File button and click on Upload.

Once you click on the Apply Configuration File button, it will give you the status update as successful or failed.

Note that for SMs we will have to login to the SM via it IP address as configuration file import over web proxy is currently not supported.

To create a JSON script simply save the file extension as .json

To add template in cnMaestro, go to Configuration>Templates>Add Template and select PMP:

Choose the Device mode, Configuration text file or enter a valid json file in the text box then click on save:

Refer to the community post available here which will help you with creating templates:

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Excellent post! Thank you!

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Thanks for the info…I have 1 issue however…what if the SM is already offline? Is there a way to load the template to the SM as soon as it comes online again? if so, how? I mean without knowing when it’s coming online…not when we see it appear…so we load the template to the offline device, and when the device comes online it automatically loads the template.

Mr. MacDonald,

If you see this, you’re going to learn how to do that in about 90 min. LOL

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Hello everyone,

The solution we worked out was to delete the turned off SM from cnMaestro.

First step is to create a template which sets the ethernet interface to disabled.

Delete the turned off radio from cnMaestro. Then, when the deletion is complete, re-claim the unit in cnMaestro (in this case on-prem, so mac or serial number is OK). Then before approval, click on the pencil icon, fill in the configuration blanks, and set the template to your disable ethernet port template. Click save, and then approve the on-board.

Then, when the SM shows up, it is configured using zero-touch, with the ethernet interface disabled. The SM is online and cnMaestro can communicate with it. When the subscriber pays, or comes back from vacation, CSR simply re-enables the ethernet interface, and sub is online.

As we say in parts of Canada…voilla!


Is there a template for the ePMP gear?