Hi all!
We have been using DHCP option 66 since 2016 to configure all of our PMP450 sm’s, and have never had any issues. We have separated config files for each sm, no “golden config”.
Now we are suddenly experiencing issues were some sm’s keep downloading the config repeatedly and constantly! If we reboot the sm, it stops this behavior, but then suddenly another sm’s starts the same behavior. This floods the tftp server, and in worst case the tfpt stops. Here is a screenshot of the log taken from the sm who started this today:
-and the log is completely full of theese entries…
This particular sm has firmware version 22.1 (Build BETA-2), but we have seen this on other versions as well (probably on at least).
I have no clue why this is happening, so I hope some of you might be able to help me!?
I’d thought I would mention as well, that at the end of the config file, we have theese:
“cfgFileString”: “Canopy configuration file”,
“cfgFileVersion”: “1.0”,
“configFileParameters”: {“rebootIfRequired”: true}
And here are an example of the whole config if anyone is interested:
"userParameters": {
"siteName": "Customer name",
"siteContact": "telephone",
"siteLocation": "Street address",
"latitude": "+00.00000",
"longitude": "+0.00000",
"height": 3
"uplinkBurstAllocation": 0,
"sustainedUplinkDataRate": 150000,
"sustainedDownlinkDataRate": 150000,
"downlinkBurstAllocation": 2500000,
"maxDownlinkDataRate": 150000,
"maxUplinkDataRate": 150000
"lowPriorityDownlinkCIR": 4000,
"lowPriorityUplinkCIR": 512
"colorCodeList": [{"colorCode": 20,"priority": 1}, {"colorCode": 10,"priority": 2}],
"bandwidthScanList": [100,
"smVlanConfig": {"ingressVID": 30},
"vlanConfig": {"dynamicLearning": 0},
"radioConfig": {"regionCode": 18},
"userName": "xxxxxx",
"level": 3,
"password": "xxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"readOnly": false
"userName": "xxxxxxx",
"level": 3,
"password": "xxxxxxxxxx",
"readOnly": false
"bridgeTableSize": 4,
"lanDhcpState": 1,
"packetFilterBootpServer": 1,
"webAccess": 2,
"packetFilterDirection": 1
"smNetworkConfig": {"bridgeTableRestrict": 1,
"networkAccess": 1,
"enable8023link": 1},
"smNetworkSecurityConfig": {"ethAccessEnable": 1}
"cfgFileString": "Canopy configuration file",
"cfgFileVersion": "1.0",
"configFileParameters": {"rebootIfRequired": true}