PMP450 Receive Sensitivities in 21.0

Is there an update available of the Receive Sensitivity and Modulation levels (Adaptive Levels) tables in Chapter 4 of the user guide? Curious to know what these table values are for 1x, 3x, 5x, and 7x.

@rnelson, oops I think you posted in another thread? I think I was hoping someone else would respond. :slight_smile:

Anyways, if you download the 21.0 Configuration Guide, you’ll see:

Hopefully that is what you’re looking for.

Thanks Charlie, no one answered the other thread so asked here. In the new 21.x user guide, I don’t see receive sensitivity and adaptive modulation levels for 1x,3x,etc for the 450M series. Would that be the same as 450i?

Well these are receive sensitivities. And the 450m doesn’t support the Intermediate Modulation Modes (3x/5x/7x) in the uplink. And the downlink sensitivities would be on the SM side. So that’s why they are missing there.

Note 1X MIMO-A has not changed.

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