PMP450M Grouping Question


  Beams are formed dynamically on a frame by frame basis dependent on where the SMs are located and what traffic the AP has queued to be scheduled, and there are almost limitless combinations.

One possible combination is to have 7 beams formed all completely to the left of the center of the antenna's horizontal beamwidth. (~evenly spaced) Another possible combination is to have all 7 beams formed all completely to the right of the center of the antenna's beamwidth. But it is possible to have say only 5 beams with 2 beams to the left and 3 beams to the right. When reading the Slot Grouping Size table there is no way to correlate beam direction. 

Slot Grouping.PNG

To consider beam direction use the spatial utilization table. When you see a set of buckets maxing out for a set a spatial frequencies that indicates that no more traffic can be passed in that direction. But the AP can still pass more traffic in directions where the utilization is less than 100%.

I hope that makes sense. Let us know if it does not.



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