Problem with non-ascii characters in port descriptions

There’s just one weird problem left
On most 2052s it is not possible to display the current configuration.
It throws an error :slight_smile:
Executing the sh command… works fine :slight_smile:

Do you have large number of VLANs? Can you raise a support ticket and attach the ex2052’s running-config? We’ll try to reproduce it with the same config. Thanks.

There are a total of 5 2052 devices there.
All configured as one group.
Each has a similar number of VLANs, approximately 15-20
2 devices show configurations, 3 do not show :slight_smile:
Such a surprise.
This only happens via cnMaestro, from the sh running-config command line it works instantly :slight_smile:
I guess it’s a surprise in cnMestro more than in the switch :slight_smile:

I can take a look if you invite me ( as Administrator in your cnmaestro account?

Solved - national character in the port descriptions bloked this function.

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