Problemas com software cnReach N500

Olá Prezados,

Primeiramente quero agradeçer o suporte da Cambium Networks ! 

Estou tendo dificuldades com o N500, em relação à opção de I/O, fui informado que existe uma falha no sistema do N500, onde está sendo desenvolvido a solução para o mesmo... 

Segue imagem da minha necessidade sobre a operação do equipamento.

HI Marcio,

I am a little bit unclear about your question but after looking at the picture you attached i believe i understand what you are trying to accomplish.

It looks like you are using two cnReach radios with built-in I/O.  One is set for a digital input and one is set for a digital output (both on channel 5).  Are you trying to make the output on the EP always equal the input on AP?

Today, you would need to use a Modbus controller to read the setting on the AP and then write the setting on the EP. 

We are working on a feature called 'wire replacement' that would eliminate the need for a modbus controller for this application.  In the 'wire replacement feature' you would essentially have 4 digital and 4 analog inputs that could be directly replicated on the other end of a wireless link.  Does this feature sound like it would meet your needs? 

Anybody else out there with applications calling for this feature?

Regards, Bruce

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Olá Bruce,

Muito Obrigado pelo retorno !

Fico feliz que a imagem tenha ajudado, foi feita nas pressas.

O seu entendimento sobre o assunto em questão está correto, minha dificuldade é exatamente essa… na compra do N500 não foi especificado que precisava de um controlador ModBus para minha aplicação, que do meu ponto de vista é algo simples.

O recurso ‘wire replacement’, no meu entendimento, é justamente o que preciso !
Pois assim que vou precisa gastar com um servidor para ser o controlador.

Tem alguma previsão para esse recurso?



Hi, we don't have a specific date for this feature but it is a high priority as other customers have been requesting a similar feature.  I will keep you posted as we make progress on wrapping up the planning on the next software release.

Regards, Bruce

Hi Bruce,

Great to ear that "wire replacement" feature. that's what mostly all need (like a wireless mirror solution: whats comes in comes out).

Any ETA for this feat?


Hi Edgardo,

yes, the wire replacement feature in cnReach allows an operator to connect an analog or digital input directly to the analog or digital output of one or more radios anywhere else in the network.  This is done without the need for an external RTU/PLC or even a centralized MODBUS Polling Host.  Everything is done inside the radio.

The software for this is expected to be posted on our support website by the end of this week (Nov. 16th).  It has just finished final testing by our integration and testing team.  We've also had several successful beta trials.

Please advise if you'd like access sooner than the end of this week and I can provide you early access.  I would also be interested in the specific application you have in mind for this feature as I'm sure many others would have similar needs and could learn from your approach.

