ptp link advice


i have a ptp link of around 9 kilometers (6 miles) with 2 mimosa b5x devices in a very crowded site

the tower has too much interference ,ethernet is always wobbling from 1000 to 100

i am looking to replace the link with a link that has sfp port (fiber port) to remove all interference ( i have this with the sectors who has sfp)

what devices has sfp port and can cover 10 kilometers in a city with ease ?

thank you

The Cambium F400C could easily handle that distance and supports both gig ethernet connection and SFP/SFP plus. We are running F400C over 10 miles. If this is simply an issue of avoiding cable interference, this would be a great choice. How much throughput are you currently getting with the Mimosa?


Depending on what region you’re in, if you have access to 6GHz, you could also try the ePMP F4600c which allows for upper 5GHz operation, along with the entire 6GHz band. The 6GHz band will probably be much quieter then 5GHz. This radio also has an SFP+ port.

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i can use 6ghz , does the F4600C require an antenna ? can you point me to a link of a full f4600c so i can check the pricing ?
i was thinking about the f425 , it is around 500-600$ with the 25 db dish (f425 is also a 6ghz no?)

real life im getting around 50 to 70 Mbps

Yes, it requires an antenna. You can review the F4600c HERE.

The F425 can only operate in the 5GHz band. There is a lower cost 6GHz radio (compared to the F4600c), the F4625 with an integrated 25dBi dish, but it does not have an SFP+ port.

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this dish :

doesnt need sm cable yes?

The rp-sma cables are built into the dish.

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If you are not subject to US AFC limitations, the 4525 would probably work at that distance. The 4600C does require an external antenna. The RF Elements ultra wideband 29 db dish seems to be the current preference and works well.