What a pile of pain this is. Trying to get this beasty licensed and it is now not accessible at all.
I found this in the installation guide …
bqnadm@bqn0# configure
bqnadm@bqn0(config)# interface en0o1
bqnadm@bqn0(config-iface)# firewall input
bqnadm@bqn0(config-iface)# firewall input
bqnadm@bqn0(config-iface)# root
bqnadm@bqn0(config)# commit
bqnadm@bqn0(config)# end
and end it did, nothing nada zip zilch ever since.
Tried the reset button no change, tried original IP … nada
I am able to surf the web through the box which makes me even more annoyed.
Is there someway to reset this thing ?