Real-time Uplink Throughput not Stable

Hi All,
sorry if this is my first post here.
im using force 300. check on status link quality (uplink) 79% and link capacity (uplink) 100%
i tried to copy 1GB data from site A to site B and i see in throughput chart, it only can get up to 50 Mbps. my question is, how to make this thruput increase and make it stable.

|Operating Frequency|5820 MHz|
|Operating Channel Bandwidth|20 MHz|
|Transmitter Output Power|24 dBm|
DS MCS 9 - 256-QAM 5/6
Active Software Version 5.9.0

Thank you.

First things first, I would upgrade to 5.9.2 firmware. If you’re ever having any problems and think it might be firmware, and if you’re not on the latest firmware, then whatever bug you may be hitting, may already be corrected in the current firmware.

Or if this is an all 3000AP/300SM link maybe downgrade to 4.7.1 - which was long time stable. 5.x is also getting very very stable, but just saying that if it doesn’t contain any 4500/400 series gear, you could see what results you get in 4.7.1 as well.

Another thing would be for you to post your monitor → performance screen, as well as post your retries… You may have interference on that channel on the upstream (interference at the AP side) considering your quality isn’t 100%, that’s a suspect. So maybe finding another channel on the AP side might also help.

You also didn’t say if this is a TDD link, and what ratio it is configured at? If you have it configured as 75% / 25% for example, then that fixes the frame usage to no more than 25% up link… Whereas going flexible frame, will allow the uplink to use as much as is available - BUT at the expense of being less friendly for your own self interference with anything else sharing that same Tower location.


I would have used Operating Channel BW of 40MHz, that will still be fairly stable with twice the throughput.