From time to time we receive requests from users who would like to programmatically check coverage for potential customers. This is possible by loading your BDC Exports into a Postgres (PostGIS) database and running SELECT queries with the lat/lon location(s) in question. The steps below define how this can be done.
(Note: This installation considers Windows OS.)
Run BDC exports using cnHeat and extract the results.
From there you can query against the database with the following statement.
In this example we use pgAdmin 4 which ships with Postgres.
Query: select * from merged where ST_Covers(geom, ST_Point(-98.586602, 33.852654, 4326)::geography);
The last step (which isn’t fully covered here) is to query the database programmatically. This process is well documented on the Internet and will differ for each operator.
Cool! For those of you that prefer a way to do all of this with just Python, here you go.
Edit: Made it so that it returns the polygon info that the point falls in.
### Need to install the shapely and geopandas modules
### pip install shapely
### pip install geopandas
from shapely.geometry import Point
import geopandas as gpd
def check_coverage(latitude, longitude, coverage_file):
Checks if a given latitude and longitude coordinate falls within a polygon defined in a GeoPackage (.geopkg) file.
If the point falls within a polygon, the function returns the latitude, longitude, result, and the information
of the polygon it falls within.
latitude : float
Latitude of the point to be checked.
longitude : float
Longitude of the point to be checked.
coverage_file : str
The file path to the GeoPackage (.geopkg) file containing the polygon geometry.
A dictionary with the latitude, longitude, result string, and the attributes of the polygon the point falls
within. If no polygon is found, returns a dictionary indicating the point is "NOT In Coverage".
result = check_coverage(29.651634, -82.324829, "coverage_map.geopkg")
# Output: {'latitude': 29.651634, 'longitude': -82.324829, 'result': 'In Coverage', 'polygon_info': {...}}
If the .geopkg file specified by the coverage_file does not exist or cannot be opened.
If the input latitude or longitude is not a valid float.
point = Point(float(longitude), float(latitude))
except ValueError:
raise TypeError("Latitude and longitude must be valid float values.")
geopackage = gpd.read_file(coverage_file)
except FileNotFoundError:
raise FileNotFoundError(f"File {coverage_file} not found.")
for _, row in geopackage.iterrows():
polygon = row['geometry']
if point.within(polygon):
return {
"latitude": latitude,
"longitude": longitude,
"result": "In Coverage",
"polygon_info": row.to_dict()
return {"latitude": latitude, "longitude": longitude, "result": "NOT In Coverage"}