RV22 - After reset button is pushed?

Testing these out. I pressed the reset button, and it doesnt automatically sync back up. Changing the ESSID from the app causes a sync, but is there a recomended way for a customer to get this bad boy back synced after they press it? because they will press it, they always press it. Id prefer to leave it available to press rather than disabling it. And the issue presents if they dont have alternate internet or a wired connection to trigger the sync

This behavior is same across other cambium products,
If a device is factory-reset by the customer then they have to reach out to the ISP and the cnMaestro administrator shall review the reboot reason on the device’s Details page and proceed with config-sync.
If customer does unneccesary resets, they would be able to sync the config by changing the ESSID name or Passphrase and sync the config. (if they have alternate internet connection).

But if the WAN uplink is PPPoE, then someone from ISP has to visit the customer site to reconfigure the WAN interface.

What would it take to get a “Resync my device” button in the app. I did find that editing a profile will trigger a sync as well.
Self service is the name of the game in 2024, our customer base is younger than ever, if they cant manage it through an app or some other simple “right here, right now” solution, theyll lose satisfaction and move on the the next shiny (government funded) solution