RV22 Maestro X subscription

What are the features of the RV22 with and without Maestro X.
I want to know what happens if I sell a customer a RV22, and then the Maestro X subscription lapses.

I’m curious about this as well. I’m awaiting the first few of them I ordered to play with. If a subscription is required for standard features to work they won’t be something I buy many of.

I would also like to know as well.

The RV22 requires a device subscription to operate. There are several services in cnMaestro that generate hosting fees. We are trying to keep the subscriptions as light as possible. Check with Cambium sales rep on the cost, I hope you will be happy with it.

Here’s a feature list, I marked the cloud service related features

  1. Service provider branded hardware
    no cloud service here, just pop the plastic window open and slide in your printed brand

  2. 3x3 RF front end on a 2x2 radio
    no cloud service here, this is is all in the hardware. the 3x3 front end + the isolated antennas give the RV22 greater coverage and rate-at-range. you may not even need mesh to get the same results. BTW, mesh is good, but not always. As with anything in RF, when you add something (i.e. a mesh node to expect signal) you also give something up (i.e. add RF noise to the environment). So it is always a trade off between reducing RF noise and increasing coverage.

  3. Automatic Mesh
    This is partly in the cloud, partly on the device. To prevent a node from “forgetting” its role, cnMaestro cloud determines the role and pushes down a configuration change unique to that node. cnMaestro also handles changing the role from node to base as needed.

  4. Per subscriber automatic speed test
    this is a cloud service that generates hosting cost. When enabled, it picks a random time from a time range to run a 10s speed test. the resulting analytics are stored in the cloud and used to analyze changes over time

  5. Per subscriber manual speed test
    initiated on the App, this uses the same cloud infrastructure. Note that a manual test actually initiates multiple actions designed to capture correlated data. Useful in diagnosing the location of a “Wi-Fi sucks” customer report. Or just collect the data for your own proactive analysis before a trouble call comes in

  6. Parental controls (websites, malware, scheduled on/off, family time)
    this set of actions are initiated on the App, never on cnMaestro. But they do require cloud services that generate hosting cost.

  7. Network provisioning, control
    these are cloud services run on cnMaestro. The RV22 is onboarded into the service provider account, and then “pinned” to a real subscriber account. This allows the service provider to pre-provision devices and pin them later, or to quickly move a device from one sub to another.

  8. Subscriber Workflow
    this is a cloud service. It allows creating of service profiles and will eventually include profiles for FWBB and fiber to bring together the broadband + Wi-Fi into a single workflow.

  9. Service Provider App Branding
    This is a cloud service part of the subscriber workflow. When creating a profile, one element is to choose the “brand” template. Note that the brand template includes your company name, logo, support hours, support contact info. this allows a service provider to create tiers of service by creating multiple brands. for example, you could use the same company name with logo/support hours/contact info that are unique such as Gold, Silver, Bronze level.

  10. Diagnostics and Network Statistics
    cnMaestro cloud has several places for diagnostics, down tech dumps, etc. One thing I noticed myself (I did not expect this) is that the Performance statistics actually shows critical mesh metrics uniquely from the Wi-Fi clients. I have been using this data when testing in my own home.

The Next Set of Features is in development targeted for release 1H.2024. It is being developed as a cnMaestro microservice tied to the backend messaging bus

  1. integrated ticketing system
    anytime a support call is started, the ticket is automatically updated with the actions taken. Easy to find and use

  2. Consolidated view of Issues across entire network
    Initially supporting Wi-Fi this will be extended to FWBB and Fiber issues for a single consolidated way to sort, filter, find and see. Note this key element: Everything is shown in the proper context so you don’t have to click around to find what you need

  3. Issues, resolutions, actions
    always shown in the proper context, issues are identified with resolutions and recommended actions. in some cases, we will present an action button to just click

  4. Consolidated and drill down client metrics
    start with a summary chart, identify an error prone device and drill down to monitor it over time. Simple to use and very powerful. We are including specific qualitative metrics to apply at the drilldown

Well, that’s what comes to the top of mind. We have more to come in the cloud microservice architecture but a lot of work to get there. Check with your Cambium sales rep and we can have a call to discuss and answer questions. thank you

so what im seeing is the devices are single routers if the customer purchases them from us and only mesh if we keep the subscription going.
That is very worrying.

Hi Daran,
Where can I view the previous test results clients have initiated, or from automatic tests?

only visible on the Subscriber App right now. We are working on a new cloud microservice that collects and analyzes data from the broadband, router, Wi-Fi and clients. We will show the history of the speed tests.