RV22 MESH node as wired extender

In some cases, a network cable may be able to ran from the main RV22 to a MESH node. Does the RV22 support this connection, or are nodes only able to be added as MESH only?
As another Cambium rep noted, MESH is good, but there’s a trade off with adding more noise to the RF environment to extend coverage.

I’m interested in this question. Does the RV22 support wired AP mode?

It does. They added the feature to a recent firmware release.

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RV22 supports wired mesh on 1.1.0 release.
Connect LAN ports of Mesh base to LAN port of Mesh Node
(Note: Leave WAN port on Mesh Node empty)

This does not work in my testing. Testing with 2 devices, both Wans connected to a switch, they both become base. In this fashion I assume it is two seperate physical networks with no roaming?
With both LANS connected and one unit WAN connected upstream, the second unit wirelessly meshes
With the WAN of unit 2 connected to the LAN of unit 1 they both become bases, but I assume, again, two seperate networks.
Ideally, connecting unit 2 WAN to the LAN of unit 1 would turn unit 2 into a bridged AP in the wired mesh
That WAN port will be a problem if we dont plug it

This does not work in my testing. Testing with 2 devices, both Wans connected to a switch, they both become base. In this fashion I assume it is two seperate physical networks with no roaming?

This is expected behavior for RV22

With both LANS connected and one unit WAN connected upstream, the second unit wirelessly meshes

I assume both LAN ports of Unit-1 and Unit-2 are connected to switch, if your switch is configured to drop multicast packets then wired mesh won’t succeed and wireless mesh will be formed if the devices are in the wireless mesh range. This is expected behavior if switch is dropping multicast packets

With the WAN of unit 2 connected to the LAN of unit 1 they both become bases, but I assume, again, two seperate networks.
Ideally, connecting unit 2 WAN to the LAN of unit 1 would turn unit 2 into a bridged AP in the wired mesh

RV22 will try to find mesh neighbors only when the WAN is not connected and LAN port(s) are connected, if the WAN port is connected then RV22 will listen for incoming Mesh client requests and it won’t start mesh base discovery

That WAN port will be a problem if we dont plug it

Does Leaving WAN port unplugged on the Mesh client create any issues ? if yes, please share the issue

This is with a patch between the two

Customers are messers. Every single solution that required an abandoned port in a residential environment historically has cause problems. We have crimped 4j45 blanks to stop them from using the ports, they still inevitably plug something in anyway. locking port plugs are about the only thing. I guess (along with no bridge mode on roadmap) I dont understand why the WAN port cant just be pulled and put into the LAN bridge when its in a wired backhaul mode