Select all SM Frequencies via CNMaestro?

Starting to roll out the latest firmware on 2k and 3k to take advantage of the extra frequencies, but the SM’s don’t have the new frequencies checked after the update. Is there a way to check them all easily? I tried creating the template from this post below but it didnt work.

Check frequencies in SM using CnMaestro - Products / cnMaestro - Cambium Community (


Alternatively you can unselect all of the frequencies. It behaves the same way, but if you upgrade a unit that has no frequencies selected you wont have to worry about going and selecting the new ones. That’s how we configure our SMs before they go out in the field, but we have pushed this via template in the past. This is what we used:

	"device_props": {
		"wirelessInterfaceScanFrequencyBandwidth":	"3",
		"wirelessInterfaceScanFrequencyListTwenty":	"",
		"wirelessInterfaceScanFrequencyListForty":	""

This does also include enabling 20/40MHz bandwidth, so if you dont need that to be pushed you can nix out the “wirelessInterfaceScanFrequencyBandwidth” line.

I did just run the template on an F300 to verify it still works, but I would still suggest you test it on one unit before you do a bulk run.


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