Setting Up Your First Site in cnHeat 2.0

Here are the steps to follow to setup your first site in cnHeat 2.0.

  1. Contact your distributor to place an order or contact to request a free trial site. Credits will need to be applied to your account to be able to place sites. Additionally if LiDAR has not already been processed for your area of interest then our production team will need to do that.

  2. Use a tool like LINKPlanner or Google Maps to confirm the latitude and longitude of your site. Once a sub-6GHz site is placed it cannot be moved more than 100m, so it is important to get this step right. The coordinates will need to be in decimal degrees (e.g. 27.749302, -97.471618)

  3. Login to cnHeat using your Cambium SSO. (This is the same email/password that you have registered with Cambium Support. Registration is free!)

  4. Create a new project by clicking the plus (+) sign next to Projects.


  5. Enter your project name. Only check the cnWave Design checkbox if you are exclusively planning 28GHz or 60GHz cnWave. (Regular projects have the ability plan all bands in one.)

  6. Select the newly created project from the project list, and click the plus (+) sign next to Sites to add your first site.


  7. Select which subscription you would like to use for the site that you are about to create. (In this example only 3 month subscriptions have been credited to this account.)


  8. Enter the site name, latitude, and longitude being careful to check your settings before clicking Create. (The subscription begins from this point, and moves beyond 100m are not allowed.)

  9. Click on the newly created site from the Site List to bring up the Radio configuration pop-out. Click the plus (+) button on the right-hand side of the pop-out to add your first radio.

  10. Configure your first radio. In this example we are configuring a radio in the 5.8GHz band with a 90 degree sector antenna (18dBi) pointed to the North (0 degree azimuth) at 150ft on the tower. To be able to calculate Signal Strength properly you will have to enter the gain of the SM (CPE). We used 22.5dBi for our PMP450b High Gain. After clicking Create continue to add other radios to the site with the plus (+) icon under the radio configuration section.

  11. To run a prediction select all radios from a single tower that you would like to be included in your prediction and click the the Play button. In this example we are only running the North and East facing sectors.

  12. Give your prediction a name. Optionally, add any additional users that should receive email alerts. The current user is included automatically. Then click Submit Job.


Jobs out to 8 miles can take up to 3 hours to run. Jobs with shorter ranges like 2 miles should run within 15 mins.