Show us your longrunners and win some gear!

Post the photo of your ePMP that has the longest uptime and win ePMP4500L or ePMP4600L on your choice!
We are accepting photos until Feb 17th 2025.
Thank you.


Just shy of 1 yr, only due to updating to 4.7.1 I believe! I have a whole tower of 3000L’s (9ish) with 330days uptime, can I bundle? haha


You have to love a good modular DC rectifier shelf and a big battery string… And an AP somehow slipping through our regular mass upgrades.

While looking for this one, I found a Force 400C link running v5.1.3 at 2 years 144 days… Looking forward to a bit of a performance boost getting that one on the latest firmware.


This is the best I’ve found so far… there are two more APs on that tower with the same uptime though.


Isn’t this a competition to see who has the most vulnerable system?



This the the longest uptime I have, please don’t laugh.


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Not very long time, but this 400c ePTP link is 273 days… maybe I should have waited another 2 hours before upgrading the firmware? Woulda got to 274 days.I have no doubt it would have run MUCH longer, but I wanted to get it up to 5.9.x which I did last night.

ALSO → Modulations and Speeds and EVERYTHING got better after the 5.9.2-RC5 upgrade last night.


More of a testament to how long it has been since Cambium managed to release a version of software less broken than v4.6.1 or v3.5.6

From the examples provided what I am seeing is a pattern in my network on the e3000 platform at around 60 - 75 days or 140 and 175 they spontaneously reboot. I have 4 exceptions and they are all BH’s or or 0 customer AP’s. With one being an AP with 12 customers. (lightly loaded)
All are on at least 12 hours of UPS power and powered by a Netonix POE Switch.
Is anyone else seeing this pattern?
I am used to significantly better performance for uptime reliability from Cambium.

I rarely see >100 days on any epmp 3k gear. Like you, I see APs spontaneously reboot at some point. I had years of uptime on some epmp 1k gear before I upgraded it all though.

Uptime may not be great, but this just might win the outdated firmware competition! (no, this isn’t in use, I found it in my pile of radios that may or may not work).


Não tenho com muito tempo ligado, devido a atualizações e etc. Mas tenho em funcionamento a 8 anos. Sou do Brasil, Lavras Minas Gerais.