SIP Dial Rules R201P

Hi there,
I’m having a hard time wrapping my head around the dial rules on this thing. Is it possible to add the local area code do a dialed out number if they only enter xxxxxxx?
1555xxxxxxx for example?

Also add the leading 1 if that’s omitted?


If nothing else, is there some kind of protocol this follows I can research? It doesn’t seem to match cisco or Asterisk methods, so I’m scratching my head on how to make it work. I’ve tried to glean as much as I could from the product manual, but without some real world examples I’m stuck.

Well, it’s been a while, but to answer my own question I found it uses the same protocol as Linksys ATAs, and the format for this would be <:1555>xxxxxxx

Hopefully this helps somebody in the future.

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