SM Session Drops on 4.4.2 - Reason: 33 (GPFs MISS)

Hey all, we've got a 2.4GHz Force 200 connected to a Connectorized ePMP1000 2.4GHz AP that has been experiencing some session drops since we upgraded to 4.4.2.  The message in the logs of the SM is

SM disassociated from AP[00:04:56:xx:xx:xx] F=2437 11nght20. Reason: 33 (GPFs MISS).

The SM has a great signal, and an SNR of 33dB so I am doubtful it is interference.  Does anybody know what causes this error and resulting session drops?

Dmitry from Cambium said in a previous thread: “I encourage you to open a support ticket. Not all the disconnects are create equal and our support team will help…”

@SBBinc wrote:

Hey all, we've got a 2.4GHz Force 200 connected to a Connectorized ePMP1000 2.4GHz AP that has been experiencing some session drops since we upgraded to 4.4.2.  The message in the logs of the SM is

SM disassociated from AP[00:04:56:xx:xx:xx] F=2437 11nght20. Reason: 33 (GPFs MISS).

The SM has a great signal, and an SNR of 33dB so I am doubtful it is interference.  Does anybody know what causes this error and resulting session drops?

Hi Adam,

Could you please send Tech Support Files from AP and few SMs?

You can reach me at fedor.trutsko(at)cambiumnetworks(dot)com.

Thank you.

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Sent you an email with tech dumps attached.  Thanks Fedor.

Hello, please what is the solution for this issue. I'm having the same issue

Hi Hanna,

I encourage you to open a support ticket. Not all the disconnects are create equal and our support team will help.



Hi Dmitry Moiseev,

Is this not the reason for this forum ? for us to come here for issues that are known instead of contacting support ? I have this issue right now and I do not think support can give me the right answers lets know what the problem is so we can fix without being a burden to support kindly encourage solutions to be posted here please, it is why we are here we should not have to go to support all the time if its a known issue.



Did you get an answer? I’ve the same issue.

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Hi. This thread was about 4.4.2 firmware – all the known issues from 4.4.2 have already been resolved in the latest/current version… 4.6.2

SO, if you are having ‘the same issue’, then upgrade the AP and the SMs to 4.6.2 and that should resolve it. If you are already on the latest firmware, then its likely a different cause, which happens to have a similar symptom, I would guess.

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I Have the Same Issue.
Please, anyone, help me.

I upgraded the AP and the SMs to 4.6.2 but still, I have faced this issue.

Hi @bikash_jairu !
Please submit a support ticket. Describe your issue in details and attach tech support file from AP and 2-3 SMs not rebooting right after you have experienced your issue. Our engineer will be able to isolate the issue during a remote session.
“Submit a request” on the right top.