Smart QoS and Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) feature

And then Cambium responds with flippant jokes… not even realizing the real seething frustration of their clients.

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Back on track here, for a feature no other ePMP competitors are doing and that I think will be a great value add license, how can we reach out for beta testing and to receive details on when this launches in stable release? Distributors don’t know about it yet as I’ve tried them all.

To get beta FW you have to register on support portal and join beta program. Simply push the button and accept beta usage terms.
Stable release terms are flexible. As soon as it becomes stable enough.

Please see this post for links to join the Beta program:

And how much will it cost approximately (maximum number of clients for AP) or will it be sold by the number of clients as for elevate?
For example in the US and EU-Germany?

No. It will be a single license for AP. SM does not need a license.

Hi all,

I’d like to pay your attention that the initial article has been updated.
In order with the latest business model, the Smart QoS license is a per year subscription, not the perpetual license.

Thank you.

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Why is that so?

So I buy the license, my equipment runs the software, besides a feature enablement what is the benefit to this model? Do you provide some sort of profile update separate of the DPI? what makes you think that a subscription would be a good idea?

Guys, paying to enable a feature is standard, but requiring a subscription to enable it is not. This is how UBNT was able to sneak in on Canopy’s market. WISPS run on tightly controlled budgets, subscriptions that do not have a tangible value do not make sense. We already pay a premium for the hardware.


Clearer and clearer that I made a mistake, and trusted that Cambium had changed. Ridiculous.


So just for clarification… the recurring DPI license is just for the AP and for creating QoE flows right? AP DPI monitoring will still be free, and DPI QOE flows and monitoring will still be free on the SM right?

If that’s the case, I think a recurring charge is reasonable as the DPI definitions need to be upgraded pretty regularly, this takes time/money on Cambium’s side to track, test and implement and push out to the radios. Every other provider of regularly updated DPI appliances/service (SandVine, Procera, etc) have charged for this.

Cambium has a business policy, give me money and give me more money, and you are free to die.
Die while you’re struggling with the world’s most expensive hardware, die while trying to fix cambium hardware and software bugs
What should I give money for and what should I implement those DPI licenses for? Yes, I expect that some Force 300 will deliver over 1000 mbps in the air, and the LAN will mostly go to 100 mbps and ask for a voltage reset to recover. Fix it (License for lan 1000 mbps guaranteed) charge that repair on an annual basis will be cheaper for me than I am wasting time now.
Many force 300-25 leak water into the device and whether the device will last one year at all (you may be aware of that, so you have limited it to a year not to buy a license that cannot be used unnecessarily). Force 300 CSM composed as if the children were playing, I have already published on another topic, on that hardware you are looking for more money for licenses that may work if the lucky one got a bit well composed.
I bought Cambium equipment with faith in a fair relationship, what I pay and get.
But unfortunately the relationship was, in my experience, one-sided in favor of Cambium.

As a non perpetual service this makes little to no sense.
I was looking into trying this out but won’t bother now.


So for a typical AP with 20 SMs, does this work out cheaper than Preseem?

I don’t understand Cambium’s logic on this (and CNmaestro X), this nickel and diming makes me question why I’m migrating from Ubiquti and spending twice as much per SU.


You can’t compare ePMP3000 to a low cost airline when Ubiquiti and Mikrotik are charging Ryanair prices :wink:

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