
When we loaded the MIB definition into OVO we recognized that different traps are coming with the same enterprise and specific trap.

For example according the MIB file  whispRadarEnd and whispRegLost events are coming with the same Enterprise OID:. and Specific trap:2.

Would you be so kind as to tell las how can we make a difference between two events?

We are using SW Release: 15.0.3

Thank you!


Istvan Surman

Hi Istvan Surman,

Cambium Networks ran simulation tests to output the same OID traps you mentioned: whispRadarEnd, whispRegLost

A PMP 450 AP and registered PMP 450 SM were configured with Canopy 15.0.3 Build Official software.  Our browser used was the iReasoning MIB Browser configured with Canopy 15.0.3 Build Official MIB files.  Should your browser/utility be different it is hoped the explanation and images shown here will illustrate what Cambium believes your interpretation to be.

Referring to Images 1 and 2 below, note that both the OID traps above are under the whispApsEvent node.

The highlighting on each trap node shows the OID values are correct (see contents of the OID: text box near the top of the browser window for each image).

Image 1: MIB Tree - whispRadarEnd (.

Image 2: MIB Tree - whispRegLost (.

Next a whispRegLost SNMP trap was generated by rebooting the registered SM.  The trap output was captured by the MIB browser and is shown in Images 3 and 4 below.  The contents of each image is the same except for the values in the OID: text box near the top of the browser window for each image.  This is due to highlighting different nodes in the upper left-hand corner (SNMP MIBs) of the browser window.  Changing highlighting to any other node will change the value seen in the OID: text box.

Image 3: MIB Tree - whispRadarEnd - whispRadarEnd Highlighted (. CORRECT

Image 4: MIB Tree - whispRadarEnd - whispApsEvent Highlighted (. *** WRONG ***

Finally a whispRadarEnd SNMP trap was generated by sending a telnet command to the AP.  The trap output was captured by the MIB browser and is shown in Images 5 and 6 below.  The contents of each image is the same except for the values in the OID: text box near the top of the browser window for each image.  This is again due to highlighting different nodes in the upper left-hand corner (SNMP MIBs) of the browser window.  As above, changing highlighting to any other node will change the value seen in the OID: text box.

Image 5: MIB Tree - whispRegLost - whispRegLost Highlighted (. CORRECT

Image 6: MIB Tree - whispRegLost - whispApsEvent Highlighted (. *** WRONG ***

To summarize: Keep a watchful eye on your browser/utility GUI while capturing OID traps.  An inadvertent node selection/highlighting can lead to a wrong OID value being seen on-screen although the actual SNMP MIB information is correct.

Should you continue to encounter difficulty please recontact Cambium Networks or reply here.  Additional information may then be needed.  Let us know the present outcome.  Thanks!

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Hi Istvan Surman,

Image order correction: The images shown in the above reply are associated with the opposite trap names, however the explanation remains the same.