Strange Watchdog resets

Good morning,

we have installed a new PMP 450m (Medusa) but we suffer about this strange Watchdog resets.
This is the first time i see “DFS” and “cpy-mac-sched” errors.

Anyone have some clue? I have opened a ticket too.

System Reset Exception – Watchdog Reset due to process: dfs

01/01/2020 : 01:00:01 CET :
System Startup
System Reset Exception – Power-On Reset

01/01/2020 : 01:00:01 CET :
System Startup
System Reset Exception – Watchdog Reset due to process: cpy-mac-sched


I just got a call about a medusa going down like this, no DFS issue though. following this thread in case there ends up being a resolution.

This is the support answer:


As of now there is no fix for this issue.
The issue is raised with engineering however, we do not have an ETA on the fix.
Let me know if you would like to keep this ticket open or if we can proceed to mark this ticket as solved.


@Andrew_Darby please be sure to raise a support ticket (if you haven’t already) and attach field diagnostics from the device that is failing.

we have had this happen on units that were not in the DFS frequency family at all, as well as 3.65 units. in all cases we have had them RMA’d.