Template cnMaestro URL help

Tried using the following template command to change the cnMastro URL in a 450AP. The job runs just fine and is successful, but nothing has changed when you check the AP. Ideas?

  "cnMaestroConfig": {
   "cnMaestroUrl": "name.server.address",
   "cnMaestroEnable": 1,
   "camID": "",
   "camOnboardKey": ""

Try placing cnMaestroConfig within the “userParameters” object.

  "userParameters": {
        "cnMaestroConfig": {
             "cnMaestroUrl": "name.server.address",
             "cnMaestroEnable": 1,
             "camID": "",
             "camOnboardKey": ""
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Thank you for the help :sunglasses: :+1: