This was perfect for me. I wanted to enable 30 MHz and every SM+ our template has 10/20 already. I just changed the one section to what it looks like below and followed the steps otherwise.
"bandwidthScanList": [
This was perfect for me. I wanted to enable 30 MHz and every SM+ our template has 10/20 already. I just changed the one section to what it looks like below and followed the steps otherwise.
"bandwidthScanList": [
Cambium support referenced this post as one to follow for selecting channels/bandwidths to scan in the SM. I see above a recommendation to omit 5MHz channel size and the “2.5MHz” choices to speed up the channel scan.
I find this problematic. After SAS issues/outage (Federated) I found some of our AP’s had been set to 5MHz or 15MHz by the SAS. Since we do not have those selected to scan, we had an extended outage for some users. Can we have an option built into the AP to reject the 5 + 15 MHz channel size to avoid these extended outages? Enabling everything for the SM to scan through creates a problem where it can take 5-20+ minutes just for an SM to register. We enable 10, 20, 30, 40MHz sizes and it still takes a long time.
Is it the AP that is programmed to hunt for a channel or is it the SAS commanding the AP to hunt for a channel?