This template is to add the 2.5MHz raster from 3555MHz to 3695Mhz for use with CBRS on PMP450/PMP450i/PMP450b SMs.
The template also enables all the frequencies in the scan list and enables 5,10,15,20,30,40MHz channel bandwidths for scanning.
To add the template to your cnMaestro account, go to Configuration > Templates and click "Add Template".
Select "PMP" as Type and "SM" as Device mode. Add a friendly name for the template and select the JSON template file and then click "Save".
To apply the template to already OnBoarded SMs in cnMaestro, go to the Manage > Configuration tab.
Select the network or Tower site with the devices you want to apply the template to.
In the Template drop-down menu, select the template.
Select the SM(s) you want to apply the template to and then click "Apply Configuration to x device(s)", this will send down the template and enable all the frequencies and channel bandwidths for scanning on the SMs you have selected.
Additionally, you can apply this template during onboarding of the device in cnMaestro, To do this, before approving the device to be OnBoarded into cnMaestro, click the "Configure Device" button on the SM and select the template from the pulldown list and then click "Save", this will apply the template to the SM during the OnBoarding process.
Evan, (580 Bytes)