PMP devices require "cfgFileString" and "cfgFileVersion". There was an update made to automatically insert these parameters for the user before pushing to the device but I don't think it's been deployed yet. Until then you should include them in your templates. Give me a few minutes to check on when the issue was fixed.
{ "userParameters": { ... }, "cfgFileString": "Canopy configuration file", "cfgFileVersion": "1.0" }
I posted a basic guide for configuration templates here. It sounds like you are doing something similar already. The best way to see what is supported by template configuration is to edit a device and export its configuration first. MIB to configuration template correlation depends on the device line. ePMP is close to 1-to-1 in terms of naming and supported parameters but I think there are a couple parameters that are not supported. A good example is action-based OIDs for things like triggering auto-population of the latitude/longitude.
You can take partial configurations out of a full configuration and just push the parameters you want to change. That link above explains how to do that.
You may have seen these already but here are a list of links with information that may be useful to you or others:
- User guide page
- cnMaestro Video - Configuration Templates Overview
- cnMaestro Video - Deploying Configuration Templates
- cnMaestro Video - Using Configuration Template Variables
- Using cnMaestro to Configure ePMP SM Service Levels
There are also default templates available on the Templates view to provide examples of what can be done with templates.