Ubiquiti PBM5 400 - IMPOSIBLE de Elevar

Buenas tardes,
Adquirimos una nueva caja de Power Beam M5 400 que viene por defecto con la version 6.1.7, la cual no se puede hacer downgrade mayor a 6.1.3. sin tirar su error A12.
Anteriormente a estos equipos los llevabamos a 6.0.2/4 y desde ahi los Elevamos UBNTXW-3.5.1///UBNTXW-v3.5.5, pero estos equipos parecen bloqueados para no poder ser elevados.
Hay alguna forma de elevarlos? Estan trabajando en una solucion?

Me too the Same !!!
i'am tired

Recovery does not work?



Recovery works till 6.1.3, trying to go any further start getting A12 error

same issue occured i could not elevate any powerbaeam device has qualitiy check from 14/11/2018 and beyond

Same thing here.

A12 error

Tftp didnt help

I am experiencing same here. The painful part is I just bought my elevate licence for 20 units.

If your strategy is to save some money when buying new SMs , don't.

I've done the same thing, but not all the time UBNTs work as they expected to, and all of the times even the small 180s were far much better than powerbeams 400. 

Keep elevate licenses for the occasion when you pull clients from other networks, use your proprietary hardware and nobody can be gone. 

If i am wrong and you are already trying to pull a client, well...believe me, they would rather pay for another device, than having a headache and stay with the old provider

hello did you solve or did you give up with the elevate  ??

I give up and move to proprietary hardware

Baja a 6.0.6(beta) y luego a 6.0.4 una vez en esa, pueda pasar a elevate.


ya no funciona así tampoco

eureka solved !!!
I just acquired a PBM5300 6.1 factory firmware antenna, and try different ways to ELEVATE it these days I will upload the solution and full manual on how to ELEVATE it.

Buesca en archivos la version 4.3.2 pero en formato bin y cargasela directo del tftp, me avisas como te fue

danos mas detalles esa version es de elevate?