Unable to perform scheduled upgrade of the PMP 450x to the latest software 16.1/16.1.x using CNUT


Unable to perform scheduled upgrade of the PMP 450x radios from old software version 15.x to the latest software 16.1 and 16.1.x using CNUT version 4.12.8.


A scheduled software upgrade on the CNUT tool facilitates the desired upgrade during a specific time, in the absence of human intervention. If the error requesting for a manual update (as shown in the screenshot below) appears moments before the upgrade, the tool voids the purpose of a scheduled upgrade.

Scheduled time.png

Warning error.png


Step 1:

Login to the AP UI, navigate to UI>>Home>>Session status>>>Select device under session status list and check the state of idle SMs. Please ensure that the “Show Idle session” option is enabled on the session status. If it is disabled, it will not display the SMs which are in IDLE sate.

To avoid getting the alert message, you have to remove the idle SMs from the APs prior to setting the schedule upgrade on the CNUT tool.

Step 2:

Please login to the AP UI>>> Home>>>Session Status>>Session List Tools>>Click on remove Idle SMs to clear the idle sessions with the SMs (Refer the below screenshot).

IDLE state indicates that the SM/BHS was registered to the AP/BHM at one time, but currently it is not. One click on the “Remove Idle SMs” button, will flush out all the SMs which are in IDLE state.

Idle subscribers may be included or removed from the session status display by enabling or disabling the Show Idle Sessions option, under the session status tab. Enabling or disabling this option only effects the GUI display of subscribers, not the registration status.

Unfortunately, we have to login to multiple APs and manually remove the IDLE SMs from the units at the moment.