Update Comapny Information

Why is Cambium suddenly requiring personal data about the cloud owner?

According to the European GDPR and Polish RODO, it is not possible to request data without providing the purpose and scope of processing.

There is no mention of what will be done with this data, how it will be processed, where it will be stored, etc., etc.

Can someone explain what is going on?

I will mention at the end that the window below has been appearing in cnMaestro for a few days and is quite a surprise.

What if the user does not agree to provide data? Should they stop using cnamestro?


That’s a lot of required fields for a “request”. Cambium Networks requests should be changed to Cambium Networks Requires or Demands.

There was a time in the past I would have just entered in info like “Name: Nunya Bidness”

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So I did that once on UBNT’s site. I took some of their tests and got a trainer certificate with the name Nunya Business… LOL


I just keep hitting remind me later but will probably fill out the fields with junk when I’m tired of doing that. My cnMaestro accounts already use my email address, which is what the support portal uses, so Cambium already has all of the important bits of information.

This nag screen seems pointless.

Temporary solution to the problem?
Enter anything like Mr. Bean, phone in the format 1234567890, any email that is not even verified.
It’s a tablet to catch the data of a few percent of users.