Upgrading cnPilot R-Series Home Routers from 4.2 Release

Important Points to Remember

All users are strongly recommended to factory default the configuration of R-Series Home Routers after upgrading the firmware from 4.2 to newer versions. This is in order to avail all the new features added on to newer versions. Users will be prompted to upgrade once again on the login screen after upgrading device for the first time as seen in screenshot below. Users are suggested to upgrade once again.

Please follow the below link after upgrading to newer version for important configuration parameters.


To upgrade Home Series Router:

  1. Navigate to Administration page and click Firmware.
  2. Choose File (Choose the image).
  3. Click Upgrade and wait until upgrade is successful.
  4. Access the UI of Router using https://<IP Address of Router>.
  5. The user will be prompted to upgrade once again as shown below:


  1. Upgrade once again.

To reset Home Series Router to factory default setting:

  1. Navigate to Administration page and click Management.
  2. Click Factory Default.
  3. Click Reboot and wait until Router comes up.