Username and password ePMP 1000 (usuario y contraseña de ePMP 1000)

Hola. Mí proveedor de internet. No quiere brindarme la clave de usuario y contraseña. Para poder entrar y reiniciar mí módem. Cómo hago para saber mí clave y usuario predeterminado?

Inglish translation

Username and password ePMP 1000
Hi. My internet provider. He doesn’t want to give me the username and password. To be able to enter and restart my modem. How do I know my password and default user?

Generally, no one will help you with this.

If you own your radio ( you paid for the radio and the install ) then you can force your provider to give you the read-only access level, if you have been provided the radio as part of the service then you will get no where, it belongs to them and they dont want you messing with it. This is generally the same world over.

But to restart the radio, just power cycle it. Pull the plug and wait 60seconds then plug it back in.

Why do you need to be able to reboot the radio by web access? Anything that would require the radio to be rebooted normally needs the providers help to fix.