V3000 Sourge Soppressor

Hello, I will install new PTP link between v3000, both will install on top of building (roof) with little pole about 2mt.
Vendor suggest use Gigabit Sourge Soppressor (L033A), my question is, drop cable on V3000 need use “metallic cable glands” ? otherwise how I can connect my cable shield to v3000 chassis ? on other side GSS need attach shild to wire connect to ground ?
I have only about 2 mt cable outside bulding, then inside about 80 mt, how GSS need install ? and where ?



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For roof installations,
The drop cable shield must be bonded to the building grounding system at its top entry point (usually on the roof).
The drop cable shield must be bonded to the building grounding system at the entry point to the equipment room.

For more info - refer “Lightning Surge Protection Units (LPU)” section in 60GHz cnWave User Guide Release 1.3.3.pdf (page 67)

Important: If you plan this port to support 1Gbps, then you could use cambium surge suppressor. But if you desire to support >1Gbps then you may want to look at Procet PT-PR01B-10GOT.

Please let me know if you need further clarification (prasanna.tm@cambiumnetworks.com)

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