Village free wifi

What equipment would you recommend to set up free wifi for the village and any additional equipment and suggestions will be appreciated?

Population density: 1429 persons/km2

Total population 7,529

You didn’t write how to deliver internet to hotspots?
If you can lead it by cable, I recommend cnPilot e510. In my opinion, the best range from external devices. The disadvantage is only one Ethernet port and no ePMP antenna connection.
You can also choose cnPIlot e500 and e700 and sector e501 (90-120) and e502 (30). Write more how do you want to build it, how do you connect the AP and what do you want to give users?

When it comes to building a network based on ePMP, not hotspots but connecting buildings, I recommend building the network on ePMP 3000 MP and force 13 or 13l terminals

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Thanks, was hoping to build a mesh network, and the internet will be delivered wirelessly to the hotspot.

I want to give the villagers free access to capped internet.

I want the village to be a Wifi Zone for the locals

Can you send a map of the place where you want to build the network?
Mark on it all the points where you want to build them, mark the point where you connect the internet (Mesh Master) with a different color.
Use this app:

Hello @LutherBee,

Wi-Fi requires good planning for the following reason:

  1. Outdoor coverage
  2. Indoor coverage

For those reasons, if you want to coverage outside and inside houses in a village, you will require a lot of Access Point, and probably optimization in the coverage is not easy to achieve for every user.

In my view, locate the places where people gather quite often (Some streets, shops, leisure places) and provide good inside and outside coverage.
While for houses, targets street poles so that at least house garden and front place have good coverage and do no matter to have coverage in every corner of the houses.

Also, start with a proof of concept and progress. Would you precise your area to serve and the type of users (Residential, shops, health centers, etc.?

Sincerely yours,

Niragira Olympe

Luther, please make it public (share)


I looked at the map, started drawing a plan in LinkPlanner.
It is necessary to use the ePMP technology, the mesh itself will not reach that distance (i.e. distances of 2-3 KM from the tank).
Additionally, the real range of the cnPilot devices will not exceed 250-300m.
Thus, the 7 points you have marked on the map will cover a small part of the indicated area.

I can draw it for you and show you what equipment you need to use and show you on the map what will be the approximate range of such hotspots.
Do it for you?

will appreciate it bro

Give me 30 min :slight_smile: and it will be done :slight_smile:

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Internet distribution from the tank - ePMP 3000L + 90 degree sector antenna. The assumed installation height is 15m above the ground level.

Point # 1 (very low). distance 1.8 KM. EPMP Force 300-16 receiver (installation at 17 meters above ground level). For this hotspot cnPilot CN501 (90-120 degrees) towards the buildings.

Point # 2 Distance: 2.3 km. EPMP 300-16 receiver. The height of the receiving antenna installation is 15 m above the ground (visibility with the antenna 3000L).
For this hotspot cnPilot e500

Point # 3 Distance 1.5 km ePMP 300-16 receiver. Installation height of the receiver 10m above the ground.
For this hotspot cnPilot cn500.

Point # 4 Distance of 2.5 km ePMP 300-16 receiver. Installation height in line of sight with the tank.
For this hotspot cnPilot e500

Point # 5 Distance: 3.1 km. EPMP 300-16 receiver. Receiving antenna installation height 16 m above ground level (visibility with the antenna 3000L).
For this hotspot cnPilot e500.

Point # 6 The distance is 3.8 km. EPMP 300-16 receiver. The height of the receiving antenna installation is 10 m above the ground (visibility with the antenna 3000L).
For this hotspot cnPilot e500

Point # 7 Distance 4.5 km. EPMP 300-19 receiver. The height of the receiving antenna installation is 15 m above the ground (visibility with the antenna 3000L).
For this cnPilot e501 hotspot sector directed towards the center.

All the ranges of the points are indicative and may change due to obstacles such as trees and buildings. The range applies to the open space. in buildings, it can be reached at a much shorter distance.

Attached is the kmz file (19.5 KB) (unzip file). The file can be opened using Google Earth (


Thank you brother will study it thoroughly

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Quick question are this EPMP’s Omni directional and will the operate as repeaters?
Will the coverage be both indoors and outdoors.?
And with the number of Ap’s will the cover the whole village ?

ePMP is a point-to-multipoint technology.
Thanks to it, we can supply customers without internet from one point. ePMP does not broadcast WiFi, it provides Internet access to HotSpots.
To use this technology in every home, do you need to install a Force 300-xx receiving antenna? Then you can make the internet wherever you want by connecting hotspots, computers, etc. through the router.

To my eye, the coverage of this area you mark is less than 20-30 AP. Maybe even more. As I saw on the map, the village is quite flat and the buildings are of different sizes. It is therefore hard to see how the radio wave will propagate.

Noted. So now after putting all ePMP on my landmarks which devices(hotspot) will I need to connect to the ePMP to broadcast my WiFi for both indoors and outdoors with a large coverage?

e500 omnidirectional antenna, e501 with sector antenna 90-120 degrees.
In these 2 models, you can connect ePMP directly to the hotspot.