Vote for the Cambium Networks community

Our Community is vital to supporting wireless broadband networks and our growth as a business. This year, our online community is nominated for two awards:

  • B2B Community Innovator
  • North America Community

Voting is easy:

You can read our full submission at . Thank you for all that each one of you has done to make our Community thrive.

Here are some of the results from our activities over the last year. Regardless of the outcome of the voting, I sincerely appreciate the part that each one of us has played to make this happen:



  • 54% growth in Community membership over a 12 month period.
  • 39% increase in Community unique members
  • 700% growth in people registered for Cambium College
  • 50% increase in nominations for Connectivity Hero awards


  • 82% increase in LinkedIn page views
  • 41% increase in YouTube video views