Weather effect and link failover on 60GHz

Firstly sorry I did not reply back in February.

The Failover feature was released back in October 2022 in the 1.2.2 release. I see this being used in many networks around the global.

Here’s a neat example I was sent just the other month:

The v3000 link was 1.5km and the 450b radio was being used as the backup link powered by the V3000 through the Aux port.

We use Open/R on the port to monitor the link, if the 60GHz fades the 5GHz link is there to take over. Once the 60GHz is back and stable it automatically switch back to 60GHz. We utilize the LInk Metric in Open/R to switch before the link drops.

Here another example, the fade was a little extreme so we lost a couple of pings:

I’ve asked the team to write up a Knowledge Base Article, it will be added to the forum this week.

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