Weather effect on 60GHz

How does cnWAVE 60GHz radio cope with rain fade?

Is there an inbuilt mechanism to switch traffic to other frequency until the weather condition is improved to carry provisioned capacity?

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As you are aware mmWave is affected by rain, and depending on the region the rain model differs significantly.

We would suggest you use a tool like LINKPlanner to understand the impact of rain in your region, using ITU models it can show you the expected availability and help you understand to potential impact rain may have and either plan for addition fade margin or show how the radio would adjust the modulation modes to cope with a rain shower.

As for a standby link, the V5000 and V3000 do have a 1G aux port that will support a standby link which can be provided by adding an additional radio. We are currently working on this and expect a system solution mid year which will be able to utilise other Cambium radios.

We will be able to monitor the link and switch over to the Aux port if the link drops.

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Was the switch-over feature ever implemented?