Web Link Planner - Equipment Templates

When are equipment templates coming to the online version of LinkPlanner?

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Hi Jesse,

Equipment templates are already available when creating PMP Network Devices, although we removed the need to create the template first to try to simplify the process. When you click on the “+” icon in the PMP Network Devices list, you see this dialog:

This allows you to create a new template, use an existing end or reuse a previously defined template (if there is one). You can also modify the template at that time.

We will introduce the other template capabilities in the future, but we haven’t targetted it for a release yet. When we get more requests for a feature we raise the priority of it, so this is another +1 for templates.

As an alternative to templates we have also introduced the “Copy from existing…” feature in the table views (User Interface Tips — Cambium LINKPlanner Online Help (6.2.0)):


With this, you can treat any existing PTP link, PMP Network Device or PMP link as a template and apply the settings to one or more objects.



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I forgot to say that we don’t have them targetted for a specific release since they didn’t make the cut of “must have” features for this year. However, they are high on the wish-list so we will try to sneak them in if possible.