Assuming you are using cnMaestro for your CBRS deployment, what SAS vendor is everyone choosing to go with and why? It looks like Federated Wireless and Google are currently our two options and I want to make the best long-term decision for our organization.
Federated Wireless is the only SAS operator offering complete ESC coverage along the US coastline. If you need to operate CBSDs in DPA neighborhoods, Federated is really the only option at this point.
@hci It is possible to change back and forth between SAS vendors. It is not a painless process, and you'll need to properly coordinate in order to not be over-charged for CBRS Services.
If you have devices operating with one SAS, and want to change to another, please open a support ticket, and we'll help you through the process.
I guess we are ways into this now. We choose google. Just wandering how the SAS vendors compare now? Do the others have any advantages we are missing out on?