WIFI4EU captive portal, snippet

Dear support

As part of the WIFI4EU project, I would like to ask how the captive portal can be configured and the settings required to operate the snippet properly.
There is an option on the Splash page, but I don't know what URL to use.
To accept the installation, make it work well.
We would install 9 e500 and 7p e410 devices and this is missing.

Thank you in advance for your help

Tamasinet Kft


There is an implementation guide available at below link.


The URL mentioned in the document is ""https://collection.wifi4eu.ec.europa.eu/wifi4eu.min.js" and the "Network Identifier" is something which you will be generating as part of Installation report as mentioned in the WiFi4eu document. Please follow the section "4.Installation pre-requisites"->"WiFi4EU network UUID:" for the Network Identifier value to be configured.

Also as part of onboarding your Captive Portal with WiFi4eu you will have to do the following:

1. cnMaestro cloud server hosts it Captive portal through server :https://eu-w1-guest.cloud.cambiumnetworks.com so please ask WiFi4eu to add eu-w1-guest.cloud.cambiumnetworks.com in their whitelisted domains for allowing HTTPS GET requests to load their wifi4eu.min.js script and anything else as required and communicated by WiFi4eu.

2. Provide the set of public IP address used by your network deployment to WiFi4eu to let them whitelist in their firewall. The login page used by end guest clients will be posting some stats data to WiFi4eu servers and based on the source IP they would allow it through their firewall. 

3. Once you have "Network identifier" and the URL configured on the cnMaestro Captive Portal and everything else set up then get one real wireless client on this captive portal. For this step I would recommend using your laptop and once you have loaded the cnMaestro hosted captive portal then copy the URL from the browser and share it with WiFi4eu for verification and hopefully the last step in the process for you network to be certified and approved by WiFi4eu. Please remember cnMaestro generates a new Captive portal URL each time you make a config change in the Captive portal so if at all you end up making any change please share the new URL with WiFi4eu. We plan to expose the Captive portal URL in cnMaestro to make this last step of sharing URL with WiFi4eu a bit easy.

In case you are using On Premises version of cnMaestro please use the domain/IP used used by your cnMaestro instead of eu-w1-guest.cloud.cambiumnetworks.com



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Dear support!

Wifi4eu installation was completed and I wanted to report on the WIFI4EU portal, where a captive portal link has to be set, but did not accept it because it generates many or perhaps not allowed characters.
What the splash page generates link (https://eu-w1-guest.cloud.cambiumnetworks.com/d2de6a688a2c9c104112f38ad60656f6/konyvtar/konyvtar_9988a460-91e8-11e9-b761-b517f748f927.html) I can write in the konytar / konyvtar_ but after that I can't continue.

I also wrote to the WIFI4EU portal, but I haven't received any feedback so far.

I watched or tried to find that the portal does not accept "_", "-" after "konyvtar /", but I do not write it over the splash page because it cannot be edited.
Is there any chance that there are no other characters in the link.

Don't know if other links could be generated?
Or is there another solution?

Zsolt Nagy
Tamasinet Kft

We will update our server with the fix soon and after that you can re-save the splash page it will remove the underscore from the filename.


Thank you, I look forward to the update


Dear support
I would like to ask when the update is expected, because unfortunately I cannot proceed with the WIFI4EU portal report. Automatically creates a new link on the splash page or I need to do something ?

Thank you for your information.

best regards
Zsolt Nagy


Any news about updates?

The cambium servers have been updated with all the fix. Please re save the splash page which would generate the new URL in the "Captive Portal URL". The new URL would remove the "_" which was getting generated as part of the URL. Also please ensure the guest portal name itself doesn't have any underscore.

Thank you for the information, after saving it is true that "_" disappears but the "-" character still remains, unfortunately the "-" character is not accepted by the WIFI4EU portal so unfortunately I still cannot finalize the report.

best regards
Zsolt Nagy

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Thanks for the help, it didn't work due to WIFI4EU portal, Chrome browser could be activated


Does this complain about "-" hyphen in the URL when you are trying to register itself in the WiFi4EU registration portal? Is it specifically throwing an error as "-" not allowed? 

As per the spec in https://ec.europa.eu/inea/sites/inea/files/wifi4eu-2019-1_en.pdf_0.pdf it says following:

The domain name associated with the https captive portal shall be classic (non-IDN), consisting of characters a to z, digits 0 through 9, hyphen (-).

There is no details on the allowed characters in the URL path components but I was hoping hyphen should have been allowed. I am trying to find more details on any disallowed characters in the URL and we will fix it.

Thank you,


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Registration worked with the fix (updated link without underline"_") in google Chrome.

Hypen "-" is accepted. It works and all green.

Can you try again? we have changed the Captive Portal URL to a new format and removed any occurence of "-"/"_".

Hi to everyone,

I know that I am replying to an 3 weeks old thread, but I would really like your support on this and to make it even a sticky thread.

In this thread it is somehow explained how to solve the snippet/monitoring of the installed network, but I would really appreciate, if someone could do a full "How-To" tutorial with images, screen shots of what has to be done in cnMaestro in order to configure/prepare the network of monitoring from the EC side.

Any guides give on the links and reading the comments on this topic, from my POV, don't give any clear guidelines how to configure everything correctly.

As my company has 40 munipacilities netoworks to install (one is currently being done), we would really thankful if you could do it asap.

Much appreciated.


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At the below link there is a section "wifi4eu" which has the pdf for the config guide specific to WiFi4EU


About the general configuration about the cnMaestro guest portal you can find more information on below link:


As WiFi4EU is about giving free Internet access to the users so you just need to enable "Free Access" with same session duration/renewal frequency keeping some reasonable values after which users have to relogin to get Internet access.

Hi. There is an update for the Snippet.

Will the cnmaestro be updated to follow it?

"In a nutshell, the old "placeholder" <img id="wifi4eulogo"> shall be replaced with the new one <img id="wifi4eubanner"> in your captive portal HTML code. This operation will allow the new logo to be loaded in your portal."

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Version 2.3.0-r9 still no change. Or should I resave splash page and it will update?

"In a nutshell, the old "placeholder" <img id="wifi4eulogo"> shall be replaced with the new one <img id="wifi4eubanner"> in your captive portal HTML code. This operation will allow the new logo to be loaded in your portal."


On onpremise version where is the option to install the wifi4eu snippet, as I could not see any solution for that.


@Robert Panics wrote:


On onpremise version where is the option to install the wifi4eu snippet, as I could not see any solution for that.


WiFi4EU is only supported on the cloud version of cnMaestro. However it will be added in next cnMaestro release 2.3.0

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Does anyone know how to add snippet the information required to the main page?
I can’t find anywhere to edit the html of the main login page.

<script type="text/javascript"> 
var wifi4euTimerStart = Date.now();  
var wifi4euNetworkIdentifier = 'NETWORK_IDENTIFIER'; 
var wifi4euLanguage = 'PORTAL_LANGUAGE'; 
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://collection.wifi4eu.ec.europa.eu/wifi4eu.min.js"></script>