WM3.0 & MYSQL - 32 or 64-bit ODBC Driver?

We’re upgrading from Prizm on Linux to WM win2008 server. Should I install the 32-bit or the 64-bit ODBC driver? Windows is 64-bit but from the mysql console status command I get …distrib 5.1.48, for Win32 <ia32>. I’m thinking 32-bit but don’t want to install the wrong driver.


To be safe you should install both 64-bit and 32-bit ODBCs. I think WM is a 32-bit app (for shame!) but the two won’t conflict. Give them different DSNs to avoid issues and you can switch if necessary

Thanks, didn’t know you could load both drivers without conflict. I’m not a server guy, I’m the networking/sonet/microwave guy.


SONET guy? They still have those?! Hey you know X.25 as well? :stuck_out_tongue:

I do mostly networking as well… mainly MPLS. I will freely admin that I only know about ODBC through trying to upgrade vCenter hahaha

salad wrote:
SONET guy? They still have those?! Hey you know X.25 as well? :P
I do mostly networking as well... mainly MPLS. I will freely admin that I only know about ODBC through trying to upgrade vCenter hahaha

Don't make fun of sonet..we have 100 nodes with 50 more slated to go on in the next 2 years, fuji fw4100's.
Never got involved with x.25 but I do dabble in tl1.
We're in the middle of an mpls network build. Currently ~150 routers with a plan for ~350, Alcatel 705 & 7710. I was just getting used to our Cisco 3750 network. mpls will have a presence in most of our substations.
