
Dear, we are installing Wireless Manager on a server with Linux Centos 6.xx made the installation of the required libraries to install software however, he says there three dependence:

Error: The below mentioned packages are found missing on your machine and are
required for proper functionining of Wireless Manager.

                 db4 (x86 version)
                 libuuid (x86 version)
                 libxml2 (x86 version)

To check the installation of these the system says that already installed message as shown below:

[Root @ wireless-manager ~] # yum install db4
loaded plugins: fastestmirror
Setting up the installation process
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
  * Base: centos.xpg.com.br
  * EPEL: mirror.globo.com
  * Extra: centos.xpg.com.br
  * Updates: mirror.globo.com
The db4-4.7.25-20.el6_7.x86_64 package is already installed in its latest version

What can we do to continue the installation?

Grateful for any help,

Neymar Ruy

Dear, this problem could only solve by installing the following libraries.



