XML Files

I am trying to have non Cambium devices disvovered in Cambium Wireless Manager v4.3.5. I found code for the Etherwan Switches and I was trying to folloing that as an example for discovering the RuggedCom switches. Can someone give me an explantion of how to accomplish this? Thanks.


We can discover non Cambium devices in Wireless Manager. Please refer the attached screenshot.


Vijay Gnanamurtthi


The Wirelsss Manager will discover the Non Cambium devices if the device is reachable with SNMP is enabled.

But you will have limitations in Managing the device since the MIBs are not available for the Rugged Switches.

As you mentioned you need to edit the XML files, but we need to edit on other multiple paths as well so it is not recommended to edit the XML files to use it for the other devices.