Good day, I have 2 XV2-21X and one E500. Roaming does not work between them. I know that I need to flash the E500 with firmware 6.x. Where can I download it?
@Alexandr_Anokhin , please review this guide if you are mixing wi-fi 6 and wi-fi 5 cnPilot APs.
cnPilot and XV_XE_X7_Access Points mixed deployment recommendations.pdf
Fast roaming is not supported between 4.x and 6.x / 7.X firmware.
where to download 6x for E500?
we do not support 6.x firmware on cnPilot devices. We had beta support originally, but we stopped supporting it few years back.
where can i download the beta?
faster will be to replace the OLD e500 to new AP