A while back I posted a method for automating password changes using config file import. The last sentence promised cnMaestro would simplify this task. I’m happy to say, it certainly does. I was able to create a template and push password changes in just a few minutes. cnMaestro eliminated all the hassle of setting up a web server to host the configuration file and creating a script that would instruct the radios to download and apply the file. It only took a couple of steps to quickly push password changes to my radios. Here’s how I did it…
Create The Config File:
The first step is to create a configuration file containing the user accounts and passwords. Since PMP450 radios don't require complete configuration files, this becomes quite simple. Create a file that looks something like this...
{ "userParameters": { "authenticationConfig": { "accounts": [ { "userName": "admin", "level": 3, "readOnly": false, "passwordEncrypted": "40b491d60000042f09c7950d27563018" }, { "userName": "root", "level": 3, "password": "${password=newpassword}", "readOnly": false } ]
} }, "cfgFileString": "Canopy configuration file", "cfgFileVersion": "1.0" }
You'll notice there are sections for each account. Feel free to add or remove accounts. You may set the password with either the "password" (not encrypted) or "passwordEncrypted" attributes. I prefer to use "passwordEncrypted" so the password isn't exposed as plain text.
You may also notice the plain text password for the root account looks a bit funny. The ${} instructs cnMaestro to make this a variable which can be set before the template is applied to devices. More on that later.
If you choose to use encrypted passwords in the configuration file, you'll first need to encrypt the password. To do this, log into any radio and go to Configuration->Unit Settings. On this page you'll find a section for encrypting passwords. Simply type the new password into the field and click "Encrypt the password". The radio will show the encrypted version just below where you typed the password.
Copy the output and paste it in the appropriate location of the configuration file.
Creating A Template In cnMaestro:
Now that you've created the configuration file, it's time to turn it into a configuration template in cnMaestro. Log into cnMaestro and go to Configure->Templates. Click Add New Template.
Since this configuration is valid for both APs and SMs, be sure to check both in the template dialog. Paste the config file you created earlier into the configuration text box and click save.
Applying The Template:
The hard work is done. Now it’s time to let cnMaestro take over. If you want to change passwords network wide, click on System in the network hierarchy on the left of the cnMaestro dashboard. You certainly could navigate to a tower or network if you want to limit which devices get the password change. Now click Configure->Devices. On the configuration tab, select PMP as the device type and select the template you created earlier.
If you made any passwords variables, but sure to click view variables and set the values appropriately. Now select all the devices you want to change passwords and click add job. I prefer to start the job automatically. If you don’t check that box, you’ll have to click on the Active Jobs tab and start the job manually.
That’s it! In a snap, cnMaestro will change the passwords on the radios you selected.