Bidirectional Sync

Hi, i'm using cnMaestro on premise templates to push default&custom confs to the r200 clients.

For example i push SSID, wifi password, PPPoE details, port forward, etc.

Some details (SSID, port forward, etc) are configurable from the end customer connecting directly to the r200 with limited user.

When the customer change some of these datas, my profile is outdated. if i sync Maestro to the client, maestro push the   OLD conf to the r200 and the configuration of end customer will be override.

Seems to be only a "Push", not a "sync".

There is a way to syn bidirectionally the configuration of templates with custom variable?


Michele Pietravalle 

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Hi Michele,

Custom variables can be set in templates using replacement variables, which is documented under the Help link at the bottom of cnMaestro pages.  The format is ${VARIABLE_NAME=optional default value}.  However, this value is set by you in cnMaestro before pushing a template.

Version 1.3.0 and later of cnMaestro support full GUI-based configuration of devices and introduces the concept of syncing but the device is always synced to cnMaestro's view of configuration.

In the next version of cnMaestro we've added a feature to read the networking settings from the device and use those in the configuration push, preventing an overwrite.

For you it sounds like this feature should be expanded to support all Basic User parameters to prevent overwritting changes made by the end-user.  Does this sound right to you?

Hi Jordan, i'm already using custom variables for a lot of values, but i have got some problem with last version and a have done a "empty template" with all sobstitution at the end.

i'm using latest maestro version.

Full sync is required because we push a default config but the end customer can modify custom configuration (lan subnet, wireless SSID & security, etc).

A good idea can be a flag "overwrite from remote" or similar one for each variable configured!



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Hi Michele,

I disucussed this with the device team and we are looking closely at this issue.  There are a couple solutions proposed that we are considering for future releases to provide better control of end-user settings.

Thank you for your feedback, it is very helpful.

Best Regards,


Hi! any update?



Hi, any update? at every sync i risk to loss user changes. thanks.


Can you please take a look at the following post and reply in that post if you think something is missing or if the proposed list is sufficiently comprehensive?



Hi, sorry for the delay but i have read the topic only now.

Seems to be ok,

do you have some planned release about the bidirectional sync? (the customer change from local router for example SSID or NAT and if i sync from maestro i lost all customer-side changes).
