CMM5 Configuring Injectors

The Injectors may be configured from the CMM5 tab on the Services page. From the CMM5 screen, you can perform the following:

  • Discover new or replacement Injectors
  • Set the chassis name for each Injector
  • Set the port name for each ODU port

When first powered on the Controller’s will check for connected Injectors and populate the CMM5 tab with each chassis detected. The Injector which is connected directly to the Controller via the USB cable is automatically assigned as the master Injector and is shown at the top of the Injector table. Additional daisy-chained Injector modules are designated as slave Injectors and are shown on successive rows in the table.

Note: The order in which the slave Injectors are shown on the CMM5 screen is determined by the Controller and does not necessarily match the daisy-chain connection sequence.

Discover Injectors

In the event that changes are made to the physical inventory of Injectors connected to the Controller, a command must be run to rediscover the connected modules. This is required when any of the following scenarios applies:

  • Expansion - adding a new slave injector to the CMM5
  • Replacement – swapping an existing Injector with a new module (e.g. due to hardware failure)
  • Deletion – removing an unused slave Injector from the CMM5

Discovery may also be necessary during initial deployment of the CMM5 if the Controller is powered on before all of the Injectors are connected. Perform the following steps to discover or rediscover the Injectors connected to the Controller:




Log into the Controller GUI using your password.


Add, delete or replace the Injectors connected to the Controller as required. Power down any units to be removed, before disconnection. Install the new or replacement unit, if applicable, and reconnect the cables as needed before applying power to the module.


On the CMM5 screen, click the Force Discover button to start the discovery process on the Controller.


The Controller starts a scan to identify all connected Injector modules.This process takes a few seconds to complete, during which time the Controller displays a message indicating that the command is in progress.


When the command execution is complete the CMM5 screen is refreshed to show all discovered Injectors. In this example a new slave Injector has been added.


If a new or replacement Injector has been added it may now be configured as needed.

Configure the Injector Chassis and Port Names

Perform the following steps to configure the System Properties on the Controller:




Log into the Controller GUI using your password.


From the CMM5 tab under the Services page, enter the desired chassis name for each Injector. The name can be a string up to 12 characters in length, with no spaces.

Note: Any characters following a space are ignored by the Controller and will be discarded. It is recommended to use underscore characters to separate groups of characters if desired. Strings of less than 12 characters in length will be automatically padded with underscores by the Controller upon saving.


Enter the desired name for the four ODU ports on each Injector.

Note: As above, the name for each port can be a string up to 12 characters in length, with no spaces. Underscores may be used to separate groups of characters.


Click Save to save the new chassis and port names.


The new chassis and port names are displayed on the CMM5 tab. Note that Controller has added underscores to the end of the chassis names and slave Injector port names to meet the 12 character length requirement.

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