CMM5 Configuring System Properties and Time Synchronization

The System page includes five tabs, System, Administration, SNMP, Backup / Flash Firmware and Reboot. The System tab is used to configure the System Properties and the Time Synchronization. From the System screen, you can perform the following:

  • Set the Hostname
  • Set the Timezone
  • Synchronize the Local Time with the browser
  • Configure operation as an NTP client or server
  • Configuration operation with UGPS or cnPulse

When first booted up the Controller’s local time display will revert to the last value saved in flash memory. To show the correct time it is necessary to synchronize it to your browser time, or prefereably to configure the Controller to use either an NTP server or the GPS data provided by the cnPulse or UGPS module as a time source.

Configure System Properties




Log into the Controller GUI using your password.


From the System tab under the System page, enter the desired Hostname.


Select the local timezone from the Timezone pull-down menu.


Note: The Controller defaults to UTC time. The available time zones are listed by region followed by the  city or country. 


Click Save & Apply to save the configured settings.


The Controller local time may be synchronized with your browser by clicking the Sync with browser button.


Note: It is suggested that synchronization with the browser time is used only as a temporary means to set the local time until the Controller is configured to use either an NTP server or GPS data as a synchronization source, as described in the procedures below. These sources are tracked continuously and will maintain a more accurate local time setting. 

Configure GPS Time Synchronization

 Perform the following steps to configure Local Time on the Controller to be synchronized to the GPS data sourced from the cnPulse or UGPS module:




Log into the Controller GUI using your password.


From the System tab under the System page, check the Verify GPS Message Checksum box.


Note: Checking this box will cause the controller to verify that the checksum is correct for each GPS message that is received from the UGPS module. A count of invalid messages is kept and may be used for troubleshooting purposes.


Click the GPS button to select GPS as the source for local time synchronization.


Check the Enable Time Sync using GPS Data box. This checkbox appears when the GPS synchronization source is selected.


Click Save & Apply to save the newly entered configuration.


After a short time the Local Time display will be synchronized with the GPS time from the cnPulse or UGPS module.

Configure NTP Time Synchronization

Perform the following steps to configure Local Time on the Controller to be synchronized to an NTP server.  Note that as of this version of CMM5 firmware, the use of the CMM5 Controller as an NTP server is not supported.




Log into the Controller GUI using your password.


Click the NTP button to select an NTP server as the source for local time synchronization.


Check the Enable NTP client button to configure the Controller as an NTP client.

Note: Depending on the circumstances the Enable NTP client box may already be checked. 


Delete any unneeded rows in the NTP server candidates list by clicking the red ‘X’ next to each row. In this example only one server is to be configured so three rows are deleted.


Note: Deleting the unused rows is not mandatory, but removes unnecessary clutter from the NTP server candidates list. 


Enter the IP address of each NTP server to be configured in the candidates list.


Click Save & Apply to save the newly entered configuration.


After a short time the Local Time display will be synchronized with the NTP time from the NTP server.

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